Visible Expression

The ecclesial community, while always having a universal dimension, finds its most immediate and visible expression in the parish. It is there that the Church is seen locally. In a certain sense it is...

"... the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters..."

Pope John Paul II
Christifideles Laici [27]

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Ripple Africa

Here are some long awaited photos from Sonya Pickervance's trip to Malawi, Africa. Sonya, as you may recall from other posts on Ripple Africa elsewhere on this 'blog', took time out and went to Africa for three months as a volunteer working for a British Charity Ripple Africa in a remote part of Malawi. Sonya arrived home just before Christmas and sent me a link to her photos which I will add at the end of this post.

At the end of January, on a very cold winter's evening midst the wind and the rain, Saint Mary's Parish Pastoral Council organised a 'Cheese & Wine' evening in aid of Ripple Africa. It was at this cosy little parish event that Sonya gave us a very professional and well documented 'PowerPoint' presentation on her recent trip to Malawi.

Now here, as promised, is a link to Sonya's photo slideshow...enjoy!

Slide Show