Visible Expression

The ecclesial community, while always having a universal dimension, finds its most immediate and visible expression in the parish. It is there that the Church is seen locally. In a certain sense it is...

"... the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters..."

Pope John Paul II
Christifideles Laici [27]

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Anointing of the Sick

Whilst lighting a fire in the hearth yesterday, (yes we still have coal fires out in the sticks), I came across an article in the newspaper I was using. It was the Universe and was dated 10th May 1992. I thought this article was one worth putting on the blog this morning seeing that there are many of us in the parish who are sick, or who are not as young as we once were and, strange as it may seem, perhaps somewhat in need of spiritual healing with all this Fit for Mission? 'Sword of Damocles' hanging over us.

Pope John Paul's advice on Sacrament of the Sick
The UNIVERSE 10th May 1992

"...DON'T wait until you are at death's door before you ask for the Sacrament of the Sick...", the Pope told a weekly audience. "...It should be requested...", he said, " all who suffer serious illness or the illfirmity associated with advanced age...". He told pilgrims that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick "...has its origins in the ministry of healing and concern for the sick which marked the Messianic mission of Jesus...". He recalled how the Letter of St. James urges the Christian who is sick to "...send for the elders of the Church...", who must come and "...pray over..." the sick person, and give the "...anointing with oil in the name of the Lord...".

In the sacrament, Christ shows His love for those who are ill, and He helps them to bear their afflictions in union with Him. He said the sick person receives "...a grace of the Holy Spirit, whose inner anointing frees them from sin, grants comfort and strength, and inspires great trust in God's mercy and love...".

The Universe 10 May 1992 - Pope John Paul II