Visible Expression

The ecclesial community, while always having a universal dimension, finds its most immediate and visible expression in the parish. It is there that the Church is seen locally. In a certain sense it is...

"... the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters..."

Pope John Paul II
Christifideles Laici [27]

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Resources sent to every Catholic parish supporting the ‘Year of Faith’

Parishes across England and Wales are being sent free resources to help them participate in a worldwide Catholic celebration of faith.

Pope Benedict XVI will open a ‘Year of Faith’ on 11 October 2012, which will end on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King, on 24 November 2013.

The start of the Year coincides with three significant events in the life of the Catholic Church:

    50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council
    20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
    Synod of Bishops in Rome focusing on evangelisation

The Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis will coordinate resourcing the year in England and Wales. Bishop Kieran Conry, Department Chair, said:

"The Year provides a wonderful opportunity for the Catholic community in England and Wales to be renewed in, to celebrate and share the joy of its faith in Jesus Christ. In his Motu Proprio Porta Fidei, the Pope writes: 'Faith grows when it is lived as an experience of love received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and joy.' May this be our shared experienced as we prepare for the Year and may our combined efforts serve fruitfully the mission of the Church."