Visible Expression

The ecclesial community, while always having a universal dimension, finds its most immediate and visible expression in the parish. It is there that the Church is seen locally. In a certain sense it is...

"... the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters..."

Pope John Paul II
Christifideles Laici [27]

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Graduations at Maryvale

Yesterday, Saturday 15th November, Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue presented certificates and diplomas to students at the Maryvale Institute, Oscott, Birmingham.

Bishop Patrick had been asked to present the awards to students who had completed their chosen course of study from the many options available at Maryvale. Among the graduands from the Lancaster Diocese was David Evans of Saint Mary's, Great Eccleston, seen here receiving the Maryvale Certificate in Catechesis from Bishop Patrick, with Mgr. Paul Watson, Director of Maryvale Intitute, looking on.

David, who is Sacristan at Saint Mary's can now proudly add 'Diocesan Catechist' to his already long list of achievements over the forty years he has been a parishioner at St. Mary's. David hopes to carry on with his studies in the new year. He has been approached by Maryvale to consider studying for a Masters Degree.