Visible Expression

The ecclesial community, while always having a universal dimension, finds its most immediate and visible expression in the parish. It is there that the Church is seen locally. In a certain sense it is...

"... the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters..."

Pope John Paul II
Christifideles Laici [27]

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Rev. Fr. Vincent Fallona 1911-1961

In the November issue of the Catholic Voice there was an article about the Talbot Library in Preston. In the article was this 'mystery photograph' and readers were asked to send in any information about who the priests might be and what occasion was it? The Bishop of course we know the name of, he was Bishop Thomas Wulstan Pearson, the first Bishop of Lancaster.

The answer to this mystery was revealed in the December issue of the Catholic Voice. It turned out that the photograph was taken at the ordination of Rev. Fr. Vincent Fallona.

Further research has revealed that Thomas Vincent Fallona was ordained a priest at St. Begh's Church, on the 25th July, 1937 and that it was the first Catholic ordination to take place in Whitehaven for 200 years.

I remember Father Fallona when he was a curate at English Martyrs, Preston, in the 50's prior to his appointment as Parish Priest of Our Lady and St James’ Church, Millom in 1958. He used to visit my family quite often, in the days when priests made regular visits to parishioners homes, along with Frs. Boyle, Humphries and Howe at that time. I have a feeling Fr. Fallona had spent some time in the African Missions too...but I may be wrong: something more for me to research!

Post Script: In searching the internet I came across an interesting fact which I have yet to clarify. It appears Fr. Vincent Fallona may have been a playwright. Hidden in a document I found was the title of a play written by a Vincent Fallona in 1924 and published in 'The Queens Work', an Ursuline Literary Magazine. What I need to do is find out if this play was in fact written by Fr. Vincent Fallona. The play was called 'Murder in the Sacristy'...

PPS: There is no evidence yet to support the authenticity of this claim, but it is doubtful that it is true, unless of course the Vincent Fallona in the photograph above, wrote the play when he was thirteen...

The Catholic Voice - November Issue